
Castle of Laguna de Negrillos (León)

Western view of the castle

The castle of Laguna de Negrillos already existed around the year 1205, the date on which King Alfonso IX of Leon granted a charter to the population. The reconstruction of the castle as we see it today was carried out by Don Diego Fernández de Quiñones and Doña María de Toledo, in the 15th century. It is located in the Páramo leonese region and is 42 km away. of Leon capital. It has a square plan and has a homage tower with five floors and all battlements at the top, in the north-west outer corner and a rectangular tower called the Queen's tower in the north-east interior of the parade ground.

West wall of the castle

Entrance gate to the castle with pointed arch

Parade ground

Homage tower

Access to the homage tower from the parade ground

Gothic-style pointed arch window in the homage tower

Battlements of the terrace of the homage tower

Indoor the north wall

Battlements on the western canvas of the north wall

Esplanade dedicated to one of the buildings attached to the indoor wall

Queen's Keep

West view of the Queen's Keep

Window opening indoor the Queen's Keep

Indoor the east wall

Detail of column bases in the parade ground

South-west corner of the parade ground

Pointed arch window in the indoor the south-west tower

Indoor the west wall

Opening closed to the outside of the west wall

Battlements on the eastern canvas of the west wall

Access to the outside of the castle

Current bridge that replaces the mediaeval drawbridge

South-west view of the castle

South-west tower (cube of the barbican)

South wall

Balcony opening and windows of the south-east corner of the castle

South-east view of the castle

South-east tower base (cube of the Valley)

East wall

Canvas of the outer wall that bordered the population that began next to the 

north wall of the castle

Opening of the door of the outer wall to access the castle space between walls

North wall

South-west view of the homage tower

Detail of a loophole and window on the west side of the homage tower

Laguna de Negrillos

Town Hall

Laguna de Negrillos is a municipality in the province of León in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, located to the south of the Páramo Leonés region and very close to the Órbigo and Esla rivers, passing through it a small stream, called Regueral. During the twelfth century under the reigns of Fernando II and his son Alfonso IX, the name as such of "Lacuna de Negrillis" was mentioned repeatedly, the town being handed over to Suero Rodríguez. In 1205 Alfonso IX grants it a charter to the town, in which most of the precepts contained in it present a notable similarity with those of the charter of León capital.

Saint John the Baptist Square

Church of Saint John the Baptist

Church of Our Lady of Arrabal

Remains of the mediaeval wall in Arrabal street that surrounded the town

Irrigation channel of the Regueral stream

Location of the castle of Laguna de Negrillos


Castle of Magacela (Badajoz)

North view of the castle located on a steep rocky hill

The castle of Magacela is a defensive building built during the 13th century on a long, rocky hill about 250 meters long and 65 meters wide in some areas. The castle consists of three enclosures. The first is the longest and is where the access to the fortress is located and in it were the buildings of the town, the parade ground (currently an old cemetery) and houses the church of Santa Ana, built in the 15th century. The second or intermediate enclosure was accessed through a portal between two semi-cylindrical defensive towers. In the westernmost part and with the highest elevation is the third enclosure or alcázar, where the centers of power, administration and economy were located. In this enclosure is the homage tower with an irregular octagonal floor plan.

Western canvas of the north wall of the first castle enclosure

Almohad tower of the north wall

Canvas of the north wall and main access to the castle in a bend

Almohad tower battlements

Castle entrance access

Indoor esplanade of the first enclosure possibly place of population settlement

Indoor of the cyclopean canvas of the south-east wall of the first enclosure